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December 4, 2012

iPhone 5 Arrives in South Korea and 50 More Countries this December


Cupertino giant — Apple announced today that iPhone 5 will be available in South Korea on December 7 Friday and 50 more countries. The thinnest and lightest iPhone ever is set to sweep off Apple fans across the world this holiday season.
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December 3, 2012

Governments around the World Talk Over on Internet Regulation


Government delegates from 193 countries are gathered today in Dubai for a closed-door meeting with an agenda to revise a decades-old treaty concerning the internet. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) hosts the said conference from December 3-14 at the World Conference on International Telecommunications (Wcit). ITU says that there is a need for a change to reflect the “dramatically different” technologies these days. But Google warned that this event would bring harm to the free and open internet.
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December 2, 2012

Facebook Introduces Photo Sync


After testing it for three months, Facebook finally introduces its latest feature called Facebook Photo Sync. This new feature will let you sync your photos automatically from your phone to a private album on Facebook. Only the owner can access the synced photos.
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