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January 30, 2014

When Do You Think is the Right Time to Start Your Own Business?


Most people do it at the age between 50-65 years old. So why most people do business at that age? Possible reasons because they get their retirement fund and gained a lot of connections. And since they don't have a job anymore, they want to start a business to sustain their daily needs and wants.

What do you think? Isn't it too late? I should say, you should be resting and enjoying your life at that age.
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January 29, 2014



Several banks have been falling down and I witnessed some of them in my own town. Some of the customers get refunded but most of them don't.

Recently I've read some articles that HSBC is going to crash. They are restricting the amount of cash that the customer can withdraw. This worries most of the customers as it has signs to a possible crash in the near future.

Now, are you still willing to put your money on banks that will going to crash in the next few years?
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January 24, 2014

Why People Joined in Karatbars


We joined in Karatbars because we have the same interests. We have the same goals. We want to be financially secured. We want to get what we want. And most importantly, we want to secure our future. If you will understand the value of Gold then you will consider making a business in Karatbars.
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January 10, 2014

A Better Way to Save and Securing Your Future.

I want to ask you if you have a savings bank account? If yes, then I have to tell you this. There's a better way to save than putting your paper Money on your bank account.

I want to introduce Karatbars. Your GOLD Savings Account. They offer 24Karat Pure Gold Bullion (999.9 Currency Grade) and certified by London Bullion Market Association.
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