Online marketplaces can help you find the perfect quirky gift for gadget fanatics. Do you know anyone who imagines saving the day on a camping trip or urban expedition? What about a survivalist who wants to be prepared in any situation, with the right tools to address an emergency? Here are four great gifts to buy for these individuals, so that they can release their inner superhero.
This super-strong cord comes in handy during camping trips, sailing expiditions, climbs, and securing cargo. They even have medical applications, serving as a tourniquet in case of accidents. This cord was initially developed for military personnel, who used the nylon-weave rope on their parachutes during World War II. Now paracord can easily be purchased by regular consumers. They are often woven into wearable bracelets, to make them handy during outdoor adventures.
Powerful, Portable Flashlight
LED technology has made it very easy for anyone to carry a high-powered flashlights within their pockets. This can come in handy during power outages, allowing you to maneuver around low-visibility landscapes. Flashlights can also serve as an emergency signal, in case you become lost in the wood or at sea. Some flashlights rely on sustainable energy, utilizing solar panels or a hand crank to provide light without batteries.
Swedish Firesteel
These fire strikers are the ultimate survival tool, allowing you to generate sparks that reach temperatures of 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Swedish Firesteel can help you start a fire, even in damp conditions. The main component of this tool is ferrocerium, a metallic material that yields sparks once you strike it with a scraper. This fire-starting tool can be a lot more effective than bow drills, flint and steel, and other common techniques. This gadget can help keep you warm during camping trips, create a signal fire, or impress your friends at barbecues.
Pocket Breathalyzer
It is important for every group to have a designated driver when they go out for some drinks. However, it can be easy to get carried away and lose track of a safe way home. Even if you feel fine, alcohol can linger in your system, affect judgment while driving. Keep your loved ones from driving off intoxicated by checking their intoxication levels. This portable breathalyzer will help you determine whether your friends or family should take a cab back home. A gadget like this can help you avoid a DUI, or it can even save a life.
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