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August 27, 2013

5 Tips to Host a Kick-Ass Game Night


If you and your friends love to play video games, an all-night game night is exactly what you need. It'll provide you with the kind of practice you need to improve your gaming skills, and allow you to spend a little quality time with your buddies doing something you love.

To make it even more interesting, perhaps you could decide ahead of time that the gamer with the worst night has to buy everyone else breakfast the following morning.

1. Plan your snacks

You can't stay up all night playing video games with your friends without something to eat. Consider what all of you like to eat, what's easy to snack on while playing, and what you can keep handy without worrying that it will spoil.

Pizza, chips, candy, and cookies are usually a hit. A little popcorn, pre-cut veggies, and fruit can help provide your body with the energy it needs to stay up all night.

2. Don't forget the caffeine

Staying up all night might be easy if you're young, but even then you might need some caffeine to keep you going. If you like coffee, brew a pot. If you don't, furnish it in the form of soda or chocolate. Both are loaded with caffeine that can give you the boost you need to stay up a few hours longer.

3. Charge the game controls

It's not easy to stay up all night playing video games if your controllers don't work. For that reason, make yourself a little note to charge all your controllers the night before the party. Then they'll all be fully charged and ready to go when your friends arrive.

4. Make it comfortable

Toss some extra pillows on your couch or floor, grab some blankets and chairs, and make your gaming area comfortable. You can't sit on the floor or put everyone on one couch all night long and expect them to stay comfortable. Make some areas that will keep your friends from becoming uncomfortable by providing pillows and blankets.

Additionally, your job is to make sure your entire place is comfortable. You'll want to preset the heating or cooling system to a comfortable temperature prior to your friends' arrival. An uncomfortably warm or cool house can make gaming less fun.

5. Change games

Gaming all night can become quite boring if you keep playing the same game over and over. Make sure you have a variety of games to choose from. This will make it easier and more fun to stay up all night.

Whether your favored method of gaming comes from a video gaming system or online, you can invite your friends over for a fun night of competition, laughter, and good food. Just remember to take a nap the afternoon before your all-night gaming party. You don't want to fall asleep on your friends.


dennis said...

really this tips is very useful .....

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