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May 25, 2014

How to Setup Google Webmaster Tools and Bing Webmaster Tools

The Webmaster Tools is very helpful to track your site keywords, pages crawled, pages errors, search queries and more. You can select which Webmaster Tools you will use, or you can also use both of them. I am currently using both of them. You will not lose anything because you can use these tools for free. This is one of the very useful free tools that bloggers can't live without. But of course, content is prioritize more to rank higher on search engines. So how will you setup Google Webmaster Tools and Bing Webmaster Tools.

Setup Google Webmaster Tools:

You can add several of websites on your Google Webmaster Tools. If you are running 2 or more blogs, then you can register your blogs on Google Webmaster Tools absolutely free. Usually if you are using a blogger, once your blog recognized by Google Search Engine - then it will automatically be registered on Google Webmaster Tools. But why wait longer when you can manually set it up, right?

Here's a very simple way on how to add a site on Google Webmaster Tools.

Step 1. First go to Google Webmaster Tools.

Step 2. Click on "ADD A SITE" button on the upper right corner.

Step 3. Enter your "URL address" and click on "Continue" button.

Your site will now be added on the list. And you will be able to manage the stats of your site. Updates may take longer unlike Google Analytics. You can submit your sitemap on Google Webmaster Tools first so that your posts or contents on your site will be indexed on Google Search.

There are also times that you need to verify your site, specially when you are not using the blogger. But that is fine, they will provide you a very simple steps on how to verify your site.

Setup Bing Webmaster Tools:

Bing Webmaster Tools would be the same as Google Webmaster Tools, but they do have some functions that Google Webmaster Tools don't have. We have different perception in deciding which is the best tools. So I will let you decide which Tools will be the best for you. But I do use both of them.

Here's a simple steps on how to add a site on Bing Webmaster Tools.

Step 1. Register to Bing Webmaster Tools.

Step 2. Once you create your account, you can now add a site. Go to Bing Webmaster My Sites or simply click on "My Sites" on the upper left corner on your dashboard.

Step 3. Enter your "URL address" and click on "ADD" button.

Step 4. Then you will be redirected to another page where you can enter the sitemap of your site, but you can also add the sitemap later if you don't have one.

Step 5. There will be three options to verify your site. It is really up to you what option you will choose. But in my case, I am more comfortable in Option 2. Simply adding the Meta Name Content on your blog.

To add the meta name content and verify your blog:

     Step 5.1. Copy the Meta that will be given to you on your Bing Webmaster Tools.

     For example:  <meta name="msvalidate.01" content="1D09C9B16EAF4AE7E3C91970F0EFBAD5" />

     Step 5.2. Go to Blogger > Template > Edit Template.

     Step 5.3. Paste the code before the </head>.

     Step 5.4. Then click on "Save Template".

Step 6. Then go back to your Bing Webmaster Tools and click on "VERIFY" on the bottom part.

You have successfully add your site to Bing Webmaster Tools. Submit your sitemap first if you haven't done so.


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