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May 9, 2013

BlackBerry Q10 Tips and Tricks


After the BlackBerry Z10, here comes the new phone from BlackBerry with the QWERTY keyboard, the BlackBerry Q10. There are reports that the BlackBerry Q10 would be the first new phone to run the BlackBerry 10 operating system. The phone is already available in the market, so purchased one now.

Know your phone more with some BlackBerry Q10 Tips and Tricks:
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HTC Desire P Tips and Tricks


It is very important if you know some tips on your device like HTC Desire P. It will help you learn more about your device to make your life much easier in using it. Improving your productivity and fulfilling what you expected on your HTC Desire P.

Here are some How To's for your HTC Desire P. These How To's are still not yet complete and I am still working on the others:

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Intel XOLO A500 Tips and Tricks


It is very important if you know some tips on your device like Intel XOLO A500. It will help you learn more about your device to make your life much easier in using it. Improving your productivity and fulfilling what you expected on your Intel XOLO A500.

Here are some How To's for your Intel XOLO A500. These How To's may still not yet complete and I am finding some time to work on the others:
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May 8, 2013

How to Use App Backup on ASUS PadFone Infinity


Backing up your apps and app data is now as easy as tapping a feature on ASUS Padfone Infinity. App Locker allows you to backup those installed apps and app data on both internal and external storage. Take note that this feature can't restore an app that requires authentication. Well. here's how you can backup your app using App Backup.
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LG Lucid 2 Tips and Tricks


It is very important if you know some tips on your device like LG Lucid 2. It will help you learn more about your device to make your life much easier in using it. Improving your productivity and fulfilling what you expected on your LG Lucid 2.

Here are some How To's for your LG Lucid 2. These How To's may still not yet complete and I am finding some time to work on the others:
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How to Share Your Data Connection Using USB on LG Lucid 2


By the Mobile Broadband Connect feature on your LG Lucid 2, you can share the phone's mobile data connection using a USB.

1. In the Application list, select Settings.

2. Then tap on More.
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How to Uninstall Apps on LG Lucid 2


There will come a time that you no longer want to play the app that you have downloaded and want to remove it from your phone (LG Lucid 2). If this time will come, you just need to uninstall or disable the app so it will be removed on your phone. 

Uninstalling apps is also necessary if you have less than 10% of space available on your memory, since your phone cannot receive new messages.
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How to Turn On and Connect to Wi-Fi on LG Lucid 2


The steps below will let you show how to connect to a wi-fi network whenever you're out of range. However, if you want to connect to a secured network, you may need to obtain the network's password. Here's how to connect to a wi-fi network on LG Lucid 2.
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How to Extend Battery Life of LG Lucid 2


Battery Life depends on how you use your device. For LG Lucid 2 device, if you want to save your battery to last longer hours, you may need to adjust your settings.

Follow these suggestions:

• Monitor what uses your phone battery. .

- On your Homescreen, tap on the Application tab > then select Settings About phone > Battery use.
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How to Factory Reset (Hard Reset) LG Lucid 2


We have our own reasons why we factory reset our device. Maybe we want to delete all the files and restore the device to its original state. It could also be the device may be malfunctioning or so slow and it needs to be reset.

Restoring the default settings or factory reset your LG Lucid 2 will delete all your existing files. It is recommended to backup your important files on your computer before attempting to reset your device.
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May 7, 2013

Asus PadFone Infinity Tips and Tricks


It is very important if you know some tips on your device like Asus PadFone Infinity. It will help you learn more about your device to make your life much easier in using it. Improving your productivity and fulfilling what you expected on your Asus PadFone Infinity.

Here are some How To's for your Asus PadFone Infinity. These How To's may still not yet complete and I am finding some time to work on the others:

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May 6, 2013

How to Turn on NFC on HTC First

Smartphones these days mostly have built-in Near Field Communication or NFC which allows easy sharing of contents like web pages, photos or contacts to someone's NFC-enabled mobile device. Here's how to use this feature on HTC First.

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How to Use Facebook Messenger on HTC First


 When you don't feel like calling your pal using Facebook's free voice calls on your phone then Facebook messenger is a great alternative. Use this app to start private conversations via with your FB friends or to send text messages. Here's how you can use this app on HTC First.

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How to Use Facebook Camera on HTC First

HTC First allows you to snap photos and tag your Facebook friends right away. In this manner, you'll get to post photos and tag your friends in an instant. Here's how to use the Facebook camera on HTC First.

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How to Open and Customize the App Launcher on HTC First


By adding your favourite or often used apps on the app launcher, you can then open apps in just a snap. The steps below will show you how to open HTC First’s app launcher and even customize it for easy access.
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