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May 7, 2013

Asus PadFone Infinity Tips and Tricks


It is very important if you know some tips on your device like Asus PadFone Infinity. It will help you learn more about your device to make your life much easier in using it. Improving your productivity and fulfilling what you expected on your Asus PadFone Infinity.

Here are some How To's for your Asus PadFone Infinity. These How To's may still not yet complete and I am finding some time to work on the others:

How to Factory Reset Asus PadFone Infinity

Resetting the factory settings will restore your phone to its default settings like when first open your phone.
  • Tap on  to go to All Apps screen.
  • Then tap on Asus Splendid 
  • On the screen, tap on "Set to default" to restore the default settings of your phone.

In Asus Splendid, you can also adjust the screen color temperature and contrast through Temperature and Enhancements.

To save the changes, tap on Done.

To Soft Reset Your Phone, just press the power key for 10 seconds to reset the system.

How to Configure/Connect Mobile Networks

Your phone is ready use and make/receive voice calls or transmit/receive data after installing the SIM card. But difference regions may have a different mobile networks available and need to reconfigure.

  • Tap on  to go to All Apps screen.
  • Select Settings .
  • From the Settings screen tap More...
  • Touch Mobile Settings.

How to Turn On a Wi-Fi

While connected to a Wi-Fi network, you can surf to internet and get in touch with your friends.
  • Tap on  to go to All Apps screen.
  • Select Settings .
  • Slide the Wi-Fi to switch on. When turn ON, your phone scans for available Wi-Fi networks.
  • Tap on Wi-Fi to display the list of available networks.
  • Tap the Network name to connect. Then enter the password if the network is secured.

How to Use SuperNote on ASUS PadFone

ASUS PadFone comes with a convenient app called the SuperNote. Just by its name, this app indeed allows you to create activities especially for those always on the go and loves to jut down notes or almost anything anytime. SuperNote is used for writing and painting, taking down notes, sending instant messages and whole lot more. Here's how to use ASUS' SuperNote.

1. To open SuperNote, touchand go to the all apps screen.

2. Now touch SuperNote

3. Touch on New Notebook to begin and key in a name for the file.

4. Choose the notebook type and you can now start writing on the page.

How to Access ASUS Task Manager

Asus Task Manager shows a list of currently running utilities and apps on your ASUS PadFone Infinity. Like its Windows counterpart, you can also close running apps all at once right through the Task Manager. Here's how to access the ASUS Task Manager.

1. First, touchso you can go to the All apps screen.

2. Then touch Widgets to display the Widgets menu.

3. To display the Task Manager box on the home screen for easy access, touch and hold ASUS Task Manager.

4. Touch and hold the widget to display the sizing brackets and pull these either upward or downward to show the complete list of tasks.

5. And tapbeside each running app to close the app or touch Close all to close all apps at once.

How to Use App Backup on ASUS PadFone Infinity

Backing app your apps and app data is now as easy as tapping a feature on ASUS Padfone Infinity. App Locker allows you to backup those installed apps and app data on both internal and external storage. Take note that this feature can't restore an app that requires authentication. Well. here's how you can backup your app using App Backup.

1. On the All apps screen, touch on App Backup.

2.  Now accept the End User License Agreement.

3.  After you've read the welcome message, touch Start to start using App Backup.

4. To back up your apps, tick the apps you'd like to back up and determine a Backup Type whether to backup the app data only or both the app and app data.

5. Touch Backup on the upper right corner of the screen to start the backup.

6. To restore an app, just touch the Restore List to display the Restore List page.

7. Then touch a backup file you want to restore.

8. And touch OK on the confirmation page to start restoring an app.

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