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September 6, 2014

How to Clean Up/Wipe Hard Drive on Windows 8 and 7 Using Command Prompt

Reformatting your computer is not enough if you want to clean/wipe all your data in Hard Drives. Your files can still recover using a software recovery tools if you are just formatting your PC. So, if you want to clean up/wipe all your files on your drives there is an easy way how to do it. Most of the people would really preferred using a software, and the common software is DBAN. In my case, I will only use the CMD to clean up/wipe the files on my Hard Drives.

Step 1. Access command prompt in Repair Computer while you are reformatting your computer.

Step 2. Type "diskpart".

Step 3. Then type "list disk" to know your disks with number.

Step 4. Select the disk that you want to delete all your files. Type "select disk #"

Step 5. Lastly, type "clean all".


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