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December 21, 2014

How to Pay With Your Phone on Microsoft Nokia Lumia 535

You don't have to bring your wallet anytime if you want to go shopping. Using this feature in Nokia Lumia 535, you can pay with your phone or use it as a ticket, if supported by your network service provider.

NFC is not supported by all phones. For availability, go to

This feature may not be available for all regions. For info on availability, contact your network service provider. The services are tied to your SIM. You must have a service subscription with your service provider and your service provider’s app installed in Wallet.

>>> You need to activate the service first by contacting your network service provider.
>>> To make a payment, tap the reader with the NFC area of your phone. Your service provider may ask you to confirm the payment.

Note: Payment and ticketing apps and services are provided by third parties. Microsoft Mobile does not provide any warranty or take any responsibility for any such apps or services including support, functionality, transactions, or loss of any monetary value. You may need to reinstall and activate the payment or ticketing app after repair of your device. You may need to reinstall and activate the cards you have added as well as the payment or ticketing app after repair of your device.


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