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December 22, 2014

How to Activate Parental Controls on BlackBerry Classic Q20


By activating the parental controls on your BlackBerry Classic Q20, you can turn off access to certain apps, features, and content.

You can also restrict incoming phone calls and messages to people in the Contacts app.

Parental Controls settings are protected with a password, making them difficult to change or turn off without your knowledge. You can set your device so that the Parental Controls password is required to add an email or social networking account, or to purchase an app from the BlackBerry World storefront.

Note: If BlackBerry Balance technology is turned on, the Parental Controls feature is not available.

User Guide Security and backup

Restrict or limit access to features and content

1. On the home screen, swipe down from the top of the screen.

2. Tap Settings > Security and Privacy > Parental Controls.

3. Turn on the Parental Controls switch.

4. Enter the Parental Controls password.

5. Tap to change the options.


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