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December 21, 2014

How to Set Microsoft Nokia Lumia 535 to Driving Mode

Setting your Nokia Lumia 535 to driving mode is very important to minimize distraction when you are driving. Letting you concentrate more before you arrive to your destination.

To do this,

>>> On the start screen, swipe down from the top of the screen, and tap ALL SETTINGS.

>>> Select Driving mode, then tap Next.

>>> To set the phone to ignore calls, switch Ignore calls to On. To set the phone to ignore text messages, switch Ignore texts to On.

>>> Tap next.

>>> To send an automatic text message when someone calls or texts you, explaining why you can't answer, switch Text replies to calls, Text replies to texts, or both to On. To edit the message, tap the text box.

>>> Tap next > add a device.

>>> Tap the Bluetooth device you connect your phone to when driving, such as a headset.

Driving mode starts automatically when the phone and the added Bluetooth device connect.


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