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December 21, 2014

How to Find a Lost Microsoft Nokia Lumia 535

Losing a phone (Nokia Lumia 535) is sort of a matter of life and death these days especially if you have confidential files on it. If you misplaced your phone or someone has stolen it, then keep calm and follow the steps below so you can locate your phone and lock or delete all data on it remotely. All you need to have is a Microsoft account on your phone.

1. On your computer, laptop or tablet, go to

2. Then sign in using the same Microsoft account as on your phone.

3. Choose find my phone. From there you can:

>>> Locate your phone on a map
>>> Make your phone ring even if its in silent mode
>>> Lock your phone and set it to show a message so it can be returned to you
>>> Delete all data from your phone remotely

The available options may vary.

Tip: Set your phone to automatically save its location every few hours. If your phone runs out of battery, you can still view its last saved location.

>>> On the start screen, swipe down from the top of the screen, and tap ALL SETTINGS > find my phone.


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