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December 6, 2014

Microsoft Nokia Lumia 535 Browsing Tips and Tricks

Before we will proceed to browsing tips, make sure that you are connected to a Wi-Fi to access the internet. Or the Plan of your internet service provider is active.

Microsoft Lumia 535 Dual SIM - How to connect to a WiFi

Your device will automatically detects a Wi-Fi connection if you are in a range of its diameter. You will also be notified as it will appear at the top of the screen. To manage your Wi-Fi connection, select the notification.

> On the start screen, swipe down from the top of the screen, and tap the Wi-Fi icon .
> Switch WiFi networking to On.
> Select the connection you want to use.

Your WiFi connection is active when you see the Wi-Fi icon  is shown on the status bar at the top of the screen.

WiFi positioning improves positioning accuracy when satellite signals are not available, especially when you are indoors or between tall buildings.

Note: Using WiFi may be restricted in some countries. For example, in the EU, you are only allowed to use 5150–5350 MHz WiFi indoors, and in the USA and Canada, you are only allowed to use 5.15–5.25 GHz WiFi indoors. For more info, contact your local authorities.

To turn Off the Wi-Fi Connection, simply tap to Switch WiFi networking to Off .

Your phone connects back to the WiFi network automatically. To change the automatic reconnection time, or to switch WiFi back on manually, tap Turn WiFi back on and the option you want.

Microsoft Lumia 535 Dual SIM - How to browse the web

To save you on data costs, use a Wi-Fi network to connect to the internet. Specially if your network service provider doesn't charge you a fixed fee for data transfer.

> Tap  Internet Explorer icon to open.
> Tap the address bar.
> Then type a web address you want to visit.
   Tip: To quickly write a web address suffix such as .org, tap and hold the suffix key on the keyboard, and tap the suffix you want.
> Tap  to enter the address.

Tip: To search the internet, write a search word in the address bar, and tap  to enter.

To Zoom in or out, place 2 fingers on the screen, and slide your fingers apart or together.

Tip: You can also double-tap the screen.

Microsoft Lumia 535 Dual SIM - How to open a new tab

When you want to visit several websites at the same time, you can open new browser tabs and switch between them.

> Tap  Internet Explorer icon to open.
> Tap > Select  Add icon to add a new window.

Tip: To open tabs you’re browsing on other devices, tap , and swipe left to other.

Tip: To go back to the previous website inside a tab, swipe right.

Open a tab for private browsing, tap > > new InPrivate tab.

Private browsing prevents your browser from storing browsing data, such as cookies, browsing history, and temporary internet files.

To Switch between tabs, tap and the tab you want.

To Close a tab, tap >  close icon.

Microsoft Lumia 535 Dual SIM - How to add a website to your favourites

Add your most visited websites to Favourites so you can access them easily.
> Tap  Internet Explorer to open.
> Visit the website you want to add.
> Tap > add to favourites.
> Edit the name if you want to customize, and tap  Check mark to confirm.

Tip: You can also pin your favourite websites to the start screen. While browsing a website, tap > pin to start.
> Go to a favourite website
> Tap > favourites and a website.

Tip: To quickly access your favourites, add the favourites icon to the address bar. Tap >settings, and switch Use address bar button for to favourites.

Microsoft Lumia 535 Dual SIM - How to search the web

Explore the web and the outside world with Bing search. You can use the keyboard or your voice to write your search words.
> Tap .
> Type the keyword you want to search in the box box.
> Tap  to enter. You can also select a search word from the proposed matches.
> To see related search results, swipe left to see the different search result categories.

Use voice search

> Tap , tap in the search box, and speak the word you want to search.

This feature is not available in all languages. For more info on feature and service availability, go to

Microsoft Lumia 535 Dual SIM - How to clear the browser history

When you've finished browsing, you can delete your private data, such as your browsing history and temporary internet files.

> Tap Internet Explorer.
> Tap > settings > delete history.

A cache is a memory location that is used to store data temporarily. If you have, or have tried to, access confidential info or a secure service, requiring passwords, clear the cache after each use.

Delete an individual item in your browsing history

> Tap > recent > , the item you want to delete, and .


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