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December 24, 2014

Google Adsense Issue: Automatic Payment Declined

Most of the Google Adsense Publisher who are using Western Union as their payment method are experiencing problem with the Payment this December. Just the day when we need the money most because of the Christmas Holidays. I hope that they will respond to this issue as soon as possible.

A statement from Haris Arif according to the discussion in Google Forum, 

"We're expanding the number of Western Union payments that we're sending through our new payments system this month, primarily to publishers in the Asia-Pacific region. A small number (~5%) of the payments we sent to publishers in the following countries were incorrectly declined by Western Union and need to be re-issued. No action is required on your part. We are working with Western Union to complete the configuration changes and will automatically reissue the payments. We expect to complete this in the next 24 hours.
Affected countries:
Saudi Arabia
South Korea
Thanks for your patience, and we're working to resolve this quickly"

As I have read thoroughly, it seems that the problem is not from Google Adsense but it is Western Union problem.

According to Miss Ghauri, "Hello, Don't worry, actually this is western union problem and my adsense payments is also declined, however today one of my relative sent me money through western union and western union officer said that due to limit exceed of our system your payment was suspended. So it is a issue from western union which is cause of decline and as soon as western union will fix it we will get payments so do not edit your accounts."

You can also visit our forum for updates. We are just hoping that it will be fixed by tomorrow.


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