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December 20, 2014

How to Increase Speed on Microsoft Nokia Lumia 535

When your phone gets older, you will be experiencing a slow performance on your phone. Having this problem is somewhat irritating. So here are some tips to increase your speed on Nokia Lumia 535.

Stop Applications from Background That is NOT Needed

>>> Long press the back key to see the apps running in the background. Swipe through the app list and tap the X to close the apps that are not needed.
>>> When you stop using application press back key to return to the start screen.
>>> Check which apps are running background tasks and block the ones you do not need: 
- Go to Settings > battery saver and swipe to usage. 
- Tap the link above the app list and select show apps that can run in the background. 
- Tap on any app to manage it.

Remove Apps on SD Card

If possible, install the application or game into the phone storage instead of the SD card for optimal application performance.

To do this,

>>> In the app list, select Storage Sense.
>>> Tap the SD card bar at the top of the screen.
>>> Select apps+games.
>>> Tap the app you want to move, and tap move to phone.

Note! If your SD card has thousands of media items, the file system scan may consume considerable amounts of your phone processing power even when running in the background. If you think that is the issue, just simply go to App list, select Storage Sense, tap the SD card bar and tap remove SD card. You can access your SD card next time you restart your phone.


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