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October 1, 2012

Send Real Gifts to Your Friends through Facebook


Social networking giant Facebook Inc. is taking another leap in its platform amidst questions of credibility from advertisers. Facebook has gone through the ups and even to the lowest downs in terms of market value and critics have even wondered if Facebook can stand still through the years. Well, if you got 945 million avid users of your site, that alone can make you work really hard to offer new service and keep all of them for years to come.

Now Facebook is rolling out a new feature in its system that does away with sending virtual cards and puppies for birthdays and other occasions. This new service allows some users to choose from a list of goods and services from Facebook company partners and sends them to their chosen Facebook friends. So instead of sending virtual birthday card to a friend who’s celebrating its birthday, you can instead send out an actual card and even a cake.

How does it work? Your friend/recipient gets a heads up that you’re sending something to them. They’ll get a virtual card to fill in the shipping address and even make some modifications to the present. The sender will have the option to pay Facebook beforehand or once the recipient puts in the shipping info. A refund will be processed if in case the gift is not accepted within two weeks.

Facebook has partnered with Starbucks and a wide range of bakery and kid-focused goods. With its solid number of users, surely a lot of companies would like to tie up with Facebook. This is now some sort of an online shopping site in a Facebook way.

Source: Washington Post


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