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October 3, 2012

Justin Bieber Throws Up on Stage


The 18-year-old singer Justin Bieber throws up on stage, not just once but twice, while performing in front of his audience in Glendale, Arizona. Selena’s beau seems fine not until his Out of Town Girl song number. Bieber danced gracefully and took the center stage with his back up dancers while girls screamed and giggled on their seats. And after he bustled up stairs with his back-up dancers, he then turned his back, bent over and started throwing up.

Think it’s the bad salad? Nope. He put the blame on drinking milk before the performance as he tweeted after show, “And…Milk was a bad choice! Lol” The pop star returned on stage after the gastric show and said “It’s hard for me, you know, not feeling great and throwing up in front of a bunch of people.” He then added, “Will you love me even though I’m throwing up on stage?” And guess what?  Fans shrieked out loud with their approval. Oh yeah, they still love dear Justin no matter what happens.

Bieber then posted a photo of himself in bed later that night. A year ago, the teenage heartthrob was forced to take several breaks during a performance in the Philippines due to chest infection. The said Saturday night concert was just the beginning of Justin’s 84-date world tour performance. He’s a busy teenage boy after all.

Source: Guardian
Image Credit: Youtube


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