There’s definitely no stopping with Google.
Just yesterday, Google announced that the October 29 New York event is
cancelled due to strong hurricane Sandy that brought heavy rainfall and the said Android event
will be pushed through some other time. But instead of a fun gala launch,
Google preferred to let the public know its array of new devices through its
official blog.
Small, medium and large! Google unveiled
three great new devices all running on Android 4.2, an updated version of Jelly Bean. Indeed rumors that have been circulating for months are all confirmed
that Google is releasing Nexus 4, 7 and 10. Google lets you choose from a wide
array of devices for your holiday shopping spree. Check out what’s new before
you hit the stores.
Small. Nexus 4. It’s LG-manufactured smartphone with
a super fast quad-core processor and a 4.7 inches screen display. Of course, it
runs on Google Android 4.2 platform. It is also capable of wireless charging
that powers up on a charging dock. Nexus 4 is jampacked with cool new features
with the latest version of Jelly Bean. Android introduces the Photo Sphere
which is reinventing the camera experience. Take pictures from all directions
and you can view them on your phone in an immersive 360-degree experience. You
can now connect your phone wirelessly on an HDTV for a movie marathon, YouTube
video watching and even playing games. Check out the whole new Jelly Bean.
Medium. Nexus 7. This best-selling tablet treat from Google just got even better. On
top of its top-edge specs and features, this is more than what you get with its
price of $199, Nexus 7 now supports HSPA+mobile data. The pricing has also
changed. On its first release, for you to get a 16 GB of storage, you need to
add $50 more. Rejoice! Google has heard your prayers and made Nexus 7 16GB at
an affordable price of $199 and a 32GB version at $249.
Large. Nexus 10. So it’s all true. A 10-inch Google
tablet is ready to battle with Apple iPad. Made by Samsung, this tablet is
dubbed to have the highest resolution of a tablet on the planet. It might sound
exaggerated but this one sports a screen resolution of 2560x1600(300 ppi) and a
10.55 inches screen display. Nexus 10 has a powerful battery life of nine hours
of video playback or more than 500 hours of standby time. It has a thinness of 8.9mm
and a weight of 603 grams. Samsung and Google partnered in creating Nexus 10
that runs on a faster dual-core A15 processor and advanced MIMO WiFi which is
4x faster than normal WiFi connection. Here’s more. Nexus 10 features a 5
megapixel rear and 1.9 megapixel front-facing cameras. And since Nexus 10 runs
on a new Jelly Bean flavor, everyone has a place on this tablet. Switching accounts
is hassle-free and everyone can have their own homescreens, music and even
their own high scores.
Now if you are decided on which device to
buy, Google made a list on its pricing and availability. Here are the details:
4: 8 GB for $299
16GB for $349 (available at $199 through
T-Mobile with a 2-year contract)
Available on November 13 on the
Google Play store in U.S., UK, Australia, France, Germany, Spain and Canada
7: 16GB for
32GB for $249
32GB and mobile data for $299 (unlocked and on sale on November 13 in the Google Play store in U.S., U.K, Australia, France,
Germany, Spain and Canada)
Available in the U.S., U.K,
Australia, France, Germany, Spain, Canada and Japan
Retail partners are Gamestop,
Office Depot, Office Max, Staples and Walmart
10: 16GB for
32GB for $499
Available on November 13
in the Google Play store in U.S., U.K, Australia, France, Germany, Spain, Japan
and Canada
32GB is also available in more than 2,000
Walmart U.S. stores
Undecided? Don’t be! Google made sure you
have great options to choose from either a holiday gift for your family or a
treat for yourself. Guaranteed you’ll only get what’s best from Google.
Image Credit: Google
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