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January 19, 2013

Laser Projector on Google Glass


Google has a new patent application at the US Patent office which will be added on its most promising Glass. Aside from a built-in camera on the Glass, Google wants to add a laser projector on it which can be used to project any Glass interface on any nearby surface and even on the user’s hand.

The application describes that a small monochrome laser could be attached on the other side of the Glass, opposite to the camera. An interface can then be projected right in front of the user like a simple OK/Cancel dialog box to a full keyboard. And what’s more to that, this projected interface will allow the user to interact with it just like the regular button. Incredible, right?

This pricey Glass is set to be shipped this month to developers who paid $ 1,500 to be among the first-hand users of Google’s product.


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