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January 12, 2013

How to Factory Reset (Hard Reset) Your NOOK HD/HD+


If you have forgotten your passcode, then you may need to do the factory reset. By performing this process, it will deregister your device as well as erases all local content such as contacts, sideloaded documents, personal information, wishlists, 4 digit passcodes, etc. It is recommended that you have a copy of all your wanted files to an SD card or computer. But all Barnes & Noble content will be downloadable upon re-registering.

To reset your NOOK HD/HD+:

• First you need to turn off your NOOK HD/HD+.
• Press the power button and hold it down for 5 seconds. 
• Just ignore the window that will appear asking if your really want to turn off your device.
• Once your NOOK HD/HD+ is turned off, press and hold the power button (at the upper-right) and the home button (at the bottom) for about 8 seconds then release.
• Press the power button for about 1 second then you should be prompted whether to proceed with the factory reset or not.

You can now re-register your NOOK HD/HD+ by following the same steps you used when you first set up your device.

Photo Credit: Barnes & Noble


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