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January 28, 2013

How to Take a Screenshot on Samsung Galaxy S3

Posting a screenshot of text thread on Facebook is viral these days. Most of the time, it’s meant for a good laugh. Well, there are actually two ways on how you can capture a screenshot of your Galaxy S3. Here are ways on how you can do it. 

1. Using your device, press and hold the home button and at the same time press and hold the power button on the side. Press and hold those two buttons simultaneously for couple of seconds. Go to your notification bar on top to see the captured screen. Of course, make sure that you’re on the screen that you wish to capture.

2. This one is simpler. Just swipe the side of your hand from left to right or vice versa to take a screenshot. To activate that hand motion, press on the Menu button on your device. Then go to Settings and select Motion. Scroll down to Hand Motion. Tick on the Palm Swipe to Capture motion to activate the said functionality.

Now you’re ready that snap!


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