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January 15, 2013

How To Transfer eBooks From Public Library To Your NOOK Device Using ADE


You might be wondering if you can download eBooks from your public library to your NOOK device. Yes, you can read eBooks from your public library but you will need an Adobe Digital Edition (ADE) to transfer/sideload the ePub file format successfully on your NOOK device.

Simply follow the sequence of steps and you can now read eBooks from your public library.

Step 1: Before you can transfer library books to your NOOK.

Use the USB cable to connect your NOOK to your computer and launch Adobe Digital Editions. (Just in case if you do not have Adobe Digital Editions on your computer, go to, and download it.) ADE will automatically detects the presence of your device and offers to authorize it with your Adobe ID.

  • If you have not authorized ADE with your computer yet, you will need to complete that first
  • If you don't have an Adobe ID, creating one is free and easy 

Both Digital Editions and your device must be authorized to be able to transfer protected content (like library eBooks) to and from your device. Unprotected content can be transferred to and from the device without authorizing either the device or ADE, but Adobe strongly advises authorizing ADE as it gives you content portability for your protected books, whether on ADE or on your NOOK.

Step 2: Authorizing your NOOK.

For PCs: Open Adobe Digital Editions; once ADE loads, connect your NOOK to your computer using the USB cable (A new, removable drive should show up in My Computer). Once the device is recognized by your computer, open Adobe Digital Editions.

For Macs: Connect your NOOK to your computer using the USB cable (Mac users will see the NOOK drive appear on the desktop or in devices); once the device is recognized by your computer, open Adobe Digital Editions.

Once your NOOK has been detected by ADE, you will be prompted to authorize your device. Click Authorize Device, then Finish.

Step 3: Transferring Library eBooks to your NOOK.

After authorization, your NOOK will appear as an icon in your ADE Library. You can transfer items to and from your NOOK just by dragging and dropping them from your ADE library to your device’s icon. You can also use ADE to read books that are on your NOOK or that are on your computer.

Important: Do not disconnect your NOOK while transferring library items to and from your computer.

Step 4: Locating and Reading a Library eBook.

NOOK 1st Edition:

1. With your NOOK powered on, wake it up from sleep mode by pressing the “power button.”

2. Tap the “Home button” to go to the Home Menu; then tap the “My Library” icon.

3. Once your Library loads tap “View My Documents” to bring up your sideloaded documents.

4. On the “My Documents” screen, select the eBook you want to read by using the up and down arrow buttons located on the right side of the color screen.

5. Once the title of your eBook is highlighted, tap on the thin button located to the right of the arrow buttons. This button contains a symbol that looks like the letter “O” for open.

6. Your eBook should now load.

NOOK Simple Touch:

1. Press the NOOK "n" button.

2. Unlock NOOK by swiping your finger across the rightward pointing arrows between the closed lock symbol and the unclosed lock symbol on the screen.

3. Press the NOOK "n" button to access the Quick Nav Bar and then tap the “Library” icon.

4. Tap the Category Menu on the top right of the Library page and select “My Files” from the drop-down list.

5. Tap the folder labeled “Digital Editions.”

6. Once you have located the title you want to read, tap the cover/icon to open it. After you have access your Library Book for the first time, it should then appear in the “Books” tab of your NOOK’s Library.

NOOK Tablet and NOOK Color:

1. Wake up and unlock your NOOK.

2. Tap the NOOK “n” button to access the Quick Nav Bar and then tap the “Library” icon.

3. Select “My Files” from the drop-down menu.

4. Tap the "Digital Editions" folder. Any Library eBooks sideloaded from Adobe Digital Editions should appear in this folder.

5. Once you have located the title you want to read, tap the cover/icon to open it. After you have access your Library Book for the first time, it should then appear in the “Books” tab of your NOOK’s Library. It will also appear on your NOOK’s home screen.

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