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January 7, 2013

How to Install NOOK for Android on Your Android Phone or Tablet


Want to read NOOK Books from Barnes & Noble but don't have a NOOK device? It's very simple, you just need to download and install the NOOK for Android app on your Android phone or tablet. 

Simply follow these simple steps:

• Turn on and unlock your device.
• Make sure that you are connected to the Internet or Wi-Fi before attempting to download and install the application.
• Go to the “Android Market” from your device's application drawer.
• Once the “Android Market” loads, tap the “Search” button and search for “NOOK”.
• Tap, “NOOK for Android by Barnes & Noble.”
• Tap, “Install”, and then "OK" to confirm.
a. If you have previously installed NOOK for Android, and an update is available, click "Update" and then "OK" to confirm.
b. If you have previously installed NOOK for Android, and your application is up to date, you will have the option to “Open” or “Uninstall”
• Once installed, you will now be able to access NOOK for Android from your application drawer.
• When you first access the NOOK for Android App, you will need to sign in to your existing Barnes & Noble Account or create a new one.

You can now start reading NOOK Books from Barnes & Noble.


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