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January 26, 2013

How to Lend NOOK Books Online / Want to lend NOOK Books on Your iPad/iPhone/iPod


Are you trying to lend your NOOK Books on your iPad/iPhone/iPod? Well, you can lend NOOK Books but not on your NOOK Apps. If you want to lend a NOOK Book, you need to login on your account.

You can download the NOOK Books lent to any NOOK-supported device, including NOOK devices, Mac, PC, NOOK for iPhone/iPod, NOOK for iPad and NOOK for Android as examples.

During this time you will be unable to read the NOOK Book yourself. You can loan any NOOK Book one time only, for a period of 14 days, providing the publisher allows this practice.

Follow the steps below on how to lend and accept NOOK Books online.

To Lend a NOOK Book From Your Account:

1. Use your PC and go to Barnes & Noble website

2. On the upper right corner click on “My NOOK”. Sign in on your account If you have not yet signed yet.

3. Then scroll through your library until you locate the title you would like to lend. Lendable titles will have the LendME icon and button displayed next to cover. If a title does not have the LendME button next to it, it cannot be lent to a friend.

4. Click the LendMe button. A window will now appear.

5. In the new window, enter your friend’s e-mail address associated with their Barnes & account. You can also enter a Personal Message if you like (200 Characters Maximum).

6. Once you are finished, click “Send.”

To Accept a Lend Offer via Your Barnes & Noble Account:

1. You should automatically receive a notification once you log into your Barnes & account and access your Digital Library when a friend lends you one of their NOOK Books.

2. Once you access your Digital Library you will have the option to click on “Yes! Borrow This,” “No, Thanks,” or “Decide Later.” Simply click “Yes! Borrow This” and you will have access to the NOOK Book for up to 14 days.

To Accept a Lend Offer via E-mail:

1. You will also receive an e-mail from Barnes & Noble to confirm any lend offers sent by friends. Simply click the button in the e-mail labeled “View My Offer” and it will bring you to your Digital Library.

2. At the top of your Library you will notice a heading labeled “My Updates.” You should have a notice stating “You have received 1 NOOK Book limited-time lending offers from XX.”

3. Click “View Offer Details.” You will have the option to click on “Yes! Borrow This,” “No, Thanks,” or “Decide Later.” Simply click “Yes! Borrow This” and you will have access to the NOOK Book for up to 14 days.


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