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January 30, 2013

How to Lend Kindle Books


Kindle Books can only be loaned once in a period of 14-days. During the loan period, you are unable to read the Book yourself. You don't also need to have a Kindle to read/lend/borrow a Kindle Book. It can also be read using the free Kindle reading applications for PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, BlackBerry, and Android devices.

But not all Kindle Books are lendable. You can determine if the Book is lendable if the option lending is 'enable'.

Follow these steps on how to lend a Kindle Book on your account:

Step 1. Sign in on your account. Once you are on the home page, point your mouse on 'Your Account' and click on 'Manage Your Kindle'.

Step 2. You will be able to see your Book from your library. Then click 'Loan This Title' in the 'Actions' menu.

Step 2.1. If you are on the 'Product Page' of the Book. Click the 'Loan this book' link.

Step 3. You will be directed to a form. Provide the borrower's name, e-mail address and an optional message.

Your loan recipient will be notified of the loan through the e-mail address you provide, and the borrower has seven days to accept the loan.

If the loan is not accepted after seven days, the book will become available again through your Archived Items. You can also attempt to loan the book again at that time.


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