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January 27, 2013

How to Receive Facebook Notifications thru Text Messaging


If you can’t be on Facebook most of the time or you don’t own a fancy smartphone and still wants to get notified on recent happenings via text, then Facebook allows you to get connected with their text messaging notification feature. Here are the steps on how to activate this feature.

1. Log in to your Facebook account and click on that little gear icon on the upper right corner and select Privacy Settings. Then go to Mobile Settings.

2. You will be prompted to retype your password for security reasons.

3. Select your Country and Mobile Carrier on the dropdown menus.

4. You will then get instructions on how to get the confirmation code for activation. Facebook will send you a code thru your phone. Type it on the box provided and hit on next to complete the activation.

5. If you wish to turn off this text messaging notification, click on the gear icon then go to Privacy Settings. Go to Notifications and click Edit on the Text message section


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