Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Facebook, for instance, allows us to check on what's going on with our frenemies if we want to try to mend the broken parts. But if the gap gets worst between you two, might as well stop the hypocrisy and totally block them out of your system. Now what happens when you hit that deadly block button? You simply limit them from viewing what you post on your timeline. The same thing goes to you. You can't check on their profile or start any conversation with them through Facebook. However, you can't prevent interactions like those in apps or even on groups. Nevertheless, blocking is still a good choice if you don't want to see each other on the newsfeed page. Here are the ways on how you can block someone on your Facebook.
1. On the upper right portion of your Facebook page, click on

and go to the
How do i stop someone from bothering me? section.
2. Type in the name or email address of the person you wish to block and click on the
Block button.
3. If you entered the name, select the name from the list and then click on Block.
4. You can also block that person by going to their timeline. Click

and select
Report/Block option. You'll see couple of options, tick on the 3rd one which is to Block.
Removing that person from the blocked list will not restore your connection. You need to send them a friend request.
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