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February 8, 2013

How to Create a Photo Slideshow on Nexus 7 or Nexus 10 When Idle

Do you have tons of photos sitting in your tablet’s mass storage? Do you only get to view them when you feel like doing so? Then don’t spoil the fun in looking back those captured moments. Google’s latest flavor of the Jelly Bean (Android 4.2) lets you customize your Nexus 7 and Nexus 10 when idle. With its Daydream feature, you can now transform your tablet into a digital photo frame by displaying a slideshow of images, a clock, Google Articles or colors when idle. Now you can get away with a black screen and turn it into a colorful and playful screen. Here’s how you can activate the Daydream feature on your Android 4.2-powered tablets. 

1. To access the Settings menu on your Nexus 7 or 10, drag down from the top right of the screen and tap on Display on the list in the left hand panel.

2. Then click on Daydream to open its features.

3. To activate Daydream on, just tap the slider at the top of the screen to switch it on.

4. You will see couple of options for display on your tablet when idle. If you wish to air your photos in the background, just click on the settings icon beside the Photo Frame or Photo Table option. And select the 100ANDRO folder or your profile picture and screenshots.

5. Tap the Start button at the top of the screen to preview your selection. Just tap the back button to exit from the Daydream mode.


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