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February 3, 2013

How to Create Multiple User Accounts on Nexus 7 and Nexus 10


Others think that setting up multiple user accounts on a device is exclusively done on Nexus 10. But actually, this feature comes in with Google’s latest OS update called the Android 4.2.1 or the Jelly Bean. So if you have Nexus 7 or 10, cheers to you.

These Android-powered devices will allow you to create user accounts especially if you’re sharing the device with the rest of your family. Your personal settings and apps are totally safe from possible “kiddie invasion” (if you’re sharing it with your kids). Each user can customize the apps and screens without affecting other user’s settings. So here are the steps then on how you can create multiple user accounts on Nexus 7 and 10.

1. On your device, go to Settings menu.

2. Under the Device menu, select on Users.

3. And on the option select Add User.


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