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February 13, 2013

How to Share Your Internet Connection Using Mobile Hotspot Mode on BlackBerry Z10


By using the Mobile Hotspot Mode you can create a Wi-Fi network that other devices can connect with. They can surf through the Internet using the mobile network connection on your BlackBerry Z10. You can connect to the Internet anywhere as long as there is a mobile network connection. Connecting the mobile hotspot is more likely the same as connecting to any regular router.

Now, set up your mobile hotspot mode on your BlackBerry device:

Make sure that your BlackBerry device's connection to the mobile network is turned on.

1. On the home screen, swipe down from the top of the screen.

2. Tap Settings or Gear Icon, then Network Connection > Mobile Hotspot.

3. If this is your first time to set the Mobile Hotspot mode, just complete the instructions on the screen.

Note: Read the instructions carefully and remember your Mobile Hotspot password.

4. Then set the Mobile Hotspot switch to On.

5. You need to know the name of the mobile hotspot and the password you set during the setup process. If your friends want to connect to the mobile hotspot, it is same as connecting to a Wi-Fi network. Find the network then connect.

To find your Mobile Hotspot mode settings, go to Settings > Network Connections > Mobile Hotspot > then tap the icon  The configure icon.

To disconnect a device from your mobile hotspot:

1. Go to Settings > Network Connections > Mobile Hotspot.

2. Tap the name of the device that you want to disconnect from your mobile hotspot.

3. Then tap the x mark The disconnect icon.


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