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February 23, 2013

How to Add, Change, or Delete a Password in Password Keeper on BlackBerry Z10


Password Keeper is an application in BlackBerry where you can saved all your passwords. This can also be used in generating a random passwords that contain numbers, letters, and symbols. This application is designed to encrypt your passwords to protect them. The Password Keeper also decrypts your passwords so you can see them when you type your password.

There will come a time that you want to change or delete the password that you made in Password Keeper on BlackBerry Z10. In this article you will know how to add, change or edit, and delete a password in the Password Keeper.

To add a new password, follow the steps below:

Step 1. In the Password Keeper application, tap the "Plus" sign.

Step 2. Type the title, website, and password information.

Step 3. Then tap the "Check" sign.

To change or edit a password in the Password Keeper application, follow the steps below:

Step 1. Select a password that you want to change.

Step 2. Tap the "Pencil" icon.

Step 3. Then type the new password information.

Step 4. Tap the "Check" sign to confirm the changes.

To delete a password in the Password Keeper application, complete the following step:

Step 1. Select a password. 

Step 2. Tap "Three Vertical Line" icon, then tap "Trash Bin" icon.

You can also multi-select the passwords to delete.


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