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February 20, 2013

How to Factory Reset Nokia Lumia 920


Resetting your Nokia Lumia 920 will restore your default settings. It will also delete all your files on your phone, so it is recommended to have a backup files on your computer. Resetting is also applicable when your device is currently frozen. Unlike the other phone, Nokia Lumia 920 battery is has an internal or non-removable battery. So, do not attempt to remove your battery when it is frozen.

Step 1. Press and hole the volume down key together with the power button for about 10 seconds.

Step 2. Your phone should switch to off. Turn your phone back on by pressing the power button.

Step 3. Then update your phone software.

Step 4. To reset your phone.

  • On the start screen, swipe left to access the settings.
  • Tap on "Settings".
  • Select "About", then "reset your phone".

If your issue still unsolved, it is advisable to contact your network service provider or Nokia.


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