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February 18, 2013

How to Find Wi-Fi Password on Windows 8


We tend to forgot our password sometimes, and that's normal. That is why there's a security password so we can still retrieve our password. But it's different in Wi-Fi password. If you have forgot your Wi-Fi password but still connected to it, then you can still retrieve it.

Follow the steps below on how to find your Wi-Fi password on Windows 8:

Step 1. Go to your desktop and right click on the Wi-Fi icon.

Step 2. Click on "Open Network and Sharing Center".

Step 3. You should be able to see your wireless network connection. Click on the Wi-Fi network.

Step 4. Then select "Wireless Properties".

Step 5. Go to "Security" tab, and check the box "Show characters".

Alternative steps:

Step 1. Click on the Wi-Fi icon on your desktop.

Step 2. Right Click on the Wi-Fi network and select "View connection properties".

You may do the same step on Step 5.


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