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February 11, 2013

How to Start a Conference Call on Blackberry Z10


Blackberry is said to be the perfect phone for all those in the business world. Its new installment of smartphone, the Z10, even makes it easy to do a conference call. So just imagine discussing your business over the phone with your associates with just a few tap on its touchscreen. Here’s how you can start a conference call.

To answer a second call while already on a call:

1. Now if you answer a second call while you’re already on a call, tap Answer and you’re first call will be automatically put on hold.

2. To merge both calls and start a conference call, tap.

3. Just repeat steps 1 and 2 to add more people to the conference.

To make another call while you’re already on a call:

1. Tap on Add Call while you’re on a call. Take note that while you make another call, your first call is automatically put on hold.

2. Now you can dial a number by tapping; call a contact by tapping ; tap a phone number, name or speed dial contact.

3. And merge both calls by tapping  to start a conference call.

4. Repeat steps 1-3 to add more people to the conference call.

To remove people from the conference call:

1. View the conference call participants by tapping.

2. Remove a person from the call by doing one of the following:

• To remove a person from the conference call and hang up, tap

• To remove a person from the conference and keep them in a separate call, tap


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