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February 13, 2013

How to Create a Shared Photo Album on iOS 6


With Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, sharing photos with friends and relatives is just a few taps away. And yet, even with the prominence of these social networking sites, Apple has created its very own version of photo sharing in iOS 6 called the Shared Photo Streams. If you want to try it yourself, here’s how you can create a shared photo album stream to fellow iOS users and even for non-iOS users through

1. Launch your Photo app on your iOS device and select on Photo Stream option at the bottom portion of the screen.

2. After clicking on Photo Stream, tap on the + sign on the upper left corner of the screen.

3. Now type in the iCloud email address of the people or person you’d like to share the album with. Then create a name for the photo album stream. If you want your album to be viewed on even by people without an iCloud account, just toggle the Public Website to switch on.

4. Select Create. Even if it is a shared album, only you can upload a photo to the album and the rest will only be able to like and comment on the photos.

There you go. You can now send photos to the album either when viewing the album or by viewing the photos in your device’s Photo app. Just tap on share button to send it to the streamed album.


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