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February 19, 2013

How to Copy iTunes Music to Windows Phone 8


iTunes is perhaps the well celebrated and used music app. If you're indeed feeling too attached with your iTunes music, now you can copy your playlist to your Windows Phone 8 device for a good music anytime and anywhere. By using a Windows Phone App ( for Windows 8, Windows 7 or Mac) and Windows Explorer for Windows XP and Vista user. You can definitely copy your iTunes music right to your Windows Phone 8. Take note that you can only copy music files that aren't protected with Digital Rights Management (DRM).

For Windows 8 PC:

When you plug your phone into your computer, there should be an instructions on how to get the Windows Phone app. Just follow the steps and you should be able to install the app correctly. In case you were not prompted, you can go to Windows Store and search for Windows Phone to find the app.

Windows 7 PC:

Using the USB cable, plug your phone to your computer.

Then, click Start Devices and Printers, and then double-click the Windows Phone icon.

Just follow the on-screen instructions to download the app.

For Mac:

Open the App Store and search for Windows Phone. Then just download the Windows Phone app for Mac.

Windows Vista PC:

Using the USB cable, plug your phone to your computer.

Then, click Start Computer, and then just drag and drop any files you want to copy to your phone.

Windows XP PC:

Using the USB cable, plug your phone to your computer.

Then, click Start > All Programs > Accessories Windows Explorer, and then just drag and drop any files you want to copy to your phone.


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