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February 4, 2013

How to Make Your Nexus 4 a WiFi Hotspot

Ever imagine how you can make your own Nexus 4 a WiFi hotspot? Well, sure you can. This feature allows for your other devices to pick up your mobile hotspot settings on your Nexus 4. This is more preferable when you’re in public trying to locate a WiFi connection. You can share your Nexus 4 connection with up to 8 computers or other devices. Check out these steps for easy, convenient and a money-saver internet experience.

1. On your device, head on to Settings

2. Select Wireless and Networks. And tap on More options.

3. Go to Tethering and portable hotspot.

4. And finally check on Portable WiFi hotpost.

Wait for few seconds and your phone will start broadcasting its WiFi network name. Now you’re ready to connect your other device to your portable mobile wifi hotspot.


Jussi said...

Wifi Hotspot doesn't work on my Nexus4. Can get IP address from DHCP but cannot ping the gateway address nor access the internet. Not sure if this is related to Android 4.2.x update that I got 2 days ago when started using this phone. Otherwise great piece of kit but quite disappointed that Hotspot feature doesn't work like it did on my old WP7.8 (Lumia 7.8).

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