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February 18, 2013

How to Access Command Prompt in Windows 8


Command Prompt is most commonly used to execute batch files, perform advanced administrative functions, and troubleshoot and solve certain kinds of Windows issues. It might be tricky in finding the Command Prompt in Windows 8, but I know three ways on how to access the command prompt on your Windows 8.


Step 1. Point your mouse on the upper right corner and click "Search".

Step 2. Type "cmd", and click "Enter".


Step 1. Go "Start" menu.

Step 2. Right click on the screen, and bottom right corner click "All apps".

Step 3. Under Windows System, click Command Prompt.


Step 1. On your desktop, press Windows + R.

Step 2. The Run window should appear, type "cmd" and then Enter.

The command prompt should appear.


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