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February 24, 2013

How to Increase Memory Space (Dropbox application) on Samsung Galaxy S3 From 2GB to 50GB


Everyone of us want to have a bigger memory space on our Phone (for our photos, videos, application and more). With Samsung Galaxy S3, you can upgrade your memory space from 2GB to 50GB on your Dropbox application. If you want to increase your memory, then just follow the steps below:

Step 1. Visit the Dropbox website.

Step 2. Sign in on your account. If you don't have an account, then you need to create one.

Step 3. Go to your "Inbox" and find the email that contains 'Claim your 48 GB of free Dropbox space!'.

Step 4. Click on "Claim Space", and complete the Getting Started instrutions.

Step 5. You should receive a notification that you have acquired an additional space once you have completed the required steps.

Step 6. You just need to restart your device and check the settings of the Dropbox app on your device. You should be able to see that the space increased to 50GB.


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