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February 19, 2013

How to Change Language on Google Chrome


When you download Google Chrome the default language will depends on what country you belong. Google detects the address where you downloaded the browser. We are used to follow instructions in English language, so if you want to change the language on your Google Chrome in English, just follow these steps:

Step 1. On the upper right corner, click on the 3 horizontal line

Step 2. Click on Settings, or the language equivalent to it.

Step 3. On the bottom, click "Show advanced settings" (or your equivalent language).

Step 4. Scroll down and find "Languages" (or your equivalent language), then click "Languages and spell-checker settings..." (or your equivalent language).

Step 5. Select the language that you prefer, then click OK.

Step 6. Then click "Display Google Chrome in this language".

Step 7. Close your Google Chrome browser and re-launch it.

You should now have your preferred language on Google Chrome.


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