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February 12, 2013

How to Answer Calls Automatically on BlackBerry Z10


This feature of BlackBerry Z10 will let you answer call automatically when you have a headset connected or when you remove your device from a case or holster. This will be very helpful and less hassle — especially when you expect a lot of coming calls.

How to set your Blackberry Z10 to answer automatically or end a call using a case or holster:

1. Swipe down from the top of the screen in the Phone app.
2. Tap on Settings or the Gear Icon, then select Holster.
3. Do any of the following:

• Set the Answer a Call by Removing Device From Holster switch to On.
• Set the End Call by Putting Device Back in Holster switch to On.

This steps will let you automatically answer a call when a headset is connected:

1. Swipe down from the top of the screen in the Phone app.
2. Tap on Settings or the Gear Icon, then select Bluetooth.
3. Set the Automatically Answer a Call When Connected to a Headset switch to On.

Your calls will automatically be answered after 5 seconds when you turn on this feature and you have a headset connected to your BlackBerry Z10.


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