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February 7, 2013

How to Download Photos to iPad

Whether you’re reading an ebook, playing music, browsing the internet or playing games, iPad is just as perfect as your regular computers for stuff like these. Moreover, it is so handy that it serves like a portable photo album for all your perfectly captured moments. Now if you wish to keep your photos handy on your iPad for others to see, you can sync your photos from your pc to your ipad. Follow these steps on how to download photos to your iPad.

1. First, your computer needs to have iTunes installed in it.

2. Then connect your iPad to your computer using a data cable.

3. On your computer, launch your iTunes app and click on the iPad icon under Devices.

4. Click on the Photos tab and check the box for Synch photos from.

5. Then click Choose folder from the drop-down menu and then select the photo folder you wish to download on your iPad.

6. Now that your photo folder is on iTunes, you can select photos you want to transfer to your iPad or select them all.

7. Click the Synch/Apple button at the bottom right of the page and you’re all set. You now have your pictures on your iPad.


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