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April 5, 2014

How to Uninstall and Reinstall Apps on Motorola Moto G


From your home screen touch Apps , then swipe left to scroll through apps. To close the apps screen, touch Home or Back.

• Uninstall apps: Touch Apps Settings Apps. Swipe left to ALL, touch an app, then touch Disable or Uninstall in the top right (if available).

Disable removes the app from your menu—to Enable it, reopen this window and touch Enable (disabled apps are at the bottom of the list).

If an app locks up your phone as soon as you turn it on, restart in Safe Mode: Turn off your phone, then turn it back on—when you see the “Motorola” logo during power-up, press and hold both volume keys until you see the home screen, with Safe Mode in the lower left. Then, try removing the app.

• Reinstall apps: To reinstall apps from Google Play Store, touch Apps Play Store Menu > My apps. The apps you downloaded are listed and available for download.

• Share, show, or clear app details: Touch Apps Settings Apps. A bar at the bottom tells you how much app storage space you have left. Swipe left or right to see the list of DOWNLOADEDRUNNING, or ALL apps, then touch an app in the list to show its details and storage usage. You can touch Clear dataClear cache, or other options.

Tip: To quickly show these app details from your app screen: Touch and hold an app, then drag it to App info.

• Show app data usage:  To show which apps are using the most data, touch Apps Settings Data usage. For more, see “Data use”.


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