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April 14, 2014

Top 10 Facebook Tips and Tricks This 2014

image credit: hdwallpaper2013
Want some Facebook tips and tricks? If you are using Facebook everyday, then why not know more about Facebook by applying these tricks.

How to Connect Multiple Facebook Accounts

I know it is kind a hassle if you keep on logging out and logging in on your facebook account using your favorite browser. And you probably noticed that you can’t login to more than one account on Facebook using the same browser. But not anymore, if you use a Chrome browser, there is a built-in profile feature that allows you to create a new user profile on your browser.

  1. Click on the Menu icon or 'Three Horizontal Lines' on the top right of your Chrome browser. 
  2. Go to Settings.
  3. Then go to Users, and click on Add new user.
  4. Choose your Profile Picture and give a name for that user.
  5. Click on Create and a new Window will be opened.
  6. You can now login to your Facebook account as per user profile.

Now you have your own User Profile on your favorite browser. This will also work on Mozilla Firefox browser.

How to Accept All Friend Requests At Once

If you just got back from vacation and leave your Facebook with a lot of pending friend requests, the you might not have a lot of time to accept all the requests one at a time. I know that is very tiring. Now, there is
a way to accept all your requests at once using JavaScript code.

1. On your friend requests page, make sure that you have loaded all your requests by scrolling down the page until the end. 

2. Then, copy and paste this JavaScript code on the address bar of your friend requests page:

javascript:for( i = 1;i<document.getElementsByName("actions[accept]").length;i++){document.getElementsByName("actions[accept]")[i].click();}void(0); 

3. The 'javascript:' will automatically remove on that line, you will just need to manually/type add it on the sidebar.

4. Press Enter and watch carefully what happens.

How to Sync Facebook Calendar With Google Calendar

If you are using both Facebook Calendar and Google Calendar to manage your daily activities, then why not synchronize them so that you will only need to manage one. Here’s how you can do it.

  1. Login to your Facebook and click on Events.
  2. Go to the Calendar tab and click the Settings button on the top right then choose Export.
  3. You will see "export your friends birthdays" and "upcoming events" in a hyperlink; choose either one and copy the link address. Let’s say you pick birthdays first.
  4. Then, go to your Google Calendar page, look for Other Calendars on the left side of the page and click on the down arrow button then choose Add by URL.
  5. Paste the link you just copied in the URL box and click on Add Calendar.

You just need to repeat step 3 onwards with the events link to completely transfer all your events from the Facebook calendar to your Google calendar.

How to Stop Facebook From Tracking You

Are you tired that Facebook tracks whatever you do on the main site or on sites that use Facebook Connect? That is also the reason why you are being served ads that are relevant to information you have recently searched for.

I'm glad to share this to you that there is a way to regain some form of privacy for yourself, with a Chrome plugin called Facebook Disconnect. Facebook Disconnect uses JavaScript to disable Facebook component link traffic from being accessed by third-party sites. Once installed, this plugin works without further tinkering.

How to Zoom Photo on Facebook

By using the Chrome extension 'Photo Zoom' you can view any photo updates on Facebook in a larger size on your timeline by simply hovering your mouse over it. Get the Photo Zoom For Facebook.

How to Hide/Delete Last Name On Facebook

Facebook requires you to declare your first and last name. If you don't want your friends to see your Last name when you comment or make a posts just like an Indonesians, then there is a way how to hide your last name on Facebook. So for you to have a single name like Christian here, check out the instructions below.

  • I'm sure you are login to your Facebook account now.
  • Grab any Indonesian proxy from this list here then change your proxy on your browser.
  • On Chrome for PC head to Settings > Show advanced settings > under Network, click on Change proxy settings > click on LAN Settings and tick "Use Proxy Server for your LAN".
  • Then fill in the address box with the proxy, and the port box accordingly. For example, "" goes into the address box and "8080" is the port. You can also use this IP address.
  • Tick on Bypass Proxy Server For Local Addresses. Press OK.
  • Now, go to your Facebook Settings page, change the language to "Bahasa Indonesia"and save changes.
  • Then delete your Facebook last name and Save changes again.
  • Once you have complete everything, revert to your original language and your LAN settings.

How to Create Fake Facebook Status Conversation

Nothing beats having a good laugh with friends. But if you’re too far to get along with them, then creating a fake Facebook status would be just one of the answers. You can create a fake status to almost anything and you can even make it look close to real by adding profile photo onto it. Just read on the steps below so you’ll have better idea on how to create a fake FB status for you and your friends to laugh at.

Step 1.  You must log in to Facebook before anything else.  Then go to this facebook application The Wall Machine and click on CONNECT.

Step 2.  A new page will then appear asking permission to access your account just like you always do when you install a facebook application. Once you’re done confirming the application you will then be redirected to The Wall Machine webpage with a facebook status template for you to edit.

Step 3.  You can now start editing the template. Just click on the Name beside the profile photo box and edit it and as well as the facebook status.

Step 4.  It will also allow you to edit the names who liked the facebook status. Just click on the name and a box will appear. Then type in couple of names who you want to like the status. For a good laugh, you can replace it with your facebook friends’ name.

Step 5.  Next is for you to edit the comments. Just follow the same thing. Click on the name and replace it with another name and so with the comment. You can add succeeding comments to your post by clicking on add comment.

Step 6.  Once the status, names and comments are all edited, and then you can start uploading photos for each profile.  Just click on the box beside the name and a pop up window will appear. You can choose photos from your files, through Google image or your facebook friends.

Step 7. Click on the save button once everything is all set. It will then ask you a one-liner description and tags. Then click save.

Step 8. Lastly, on the lower left side of the template box, click on the Facebook logo so you can send and post it on your facebook timeline. Now you have a fake facebook status to laugh with friends at.

How to Make a Blue Text Facebook Post

Do you want something new on using your Facebook? How about a BLUE TEXT. Here’s a simple trick on how to make a blue text on Facebook.

Step 1. Log in to your facebook account and paste this format on your status box:
@[1: ]@@[1:[0:1: Type Here]]

Step 2. Replace the “Type Here” words with your status and click on “Post”. You now have a blue text status!

How to Join Facebook Profile And Cover Image

Do you want an amazing Facebook covers? Try the profile picture which is part of the cover photo. By using Tricked Out Timeline website, you can create your very own joined Facebook profile and cover image. 

Image Credit: Hongkiat

You can select in 4 effects that you prefer to use. Whether it is a Merge Profile & Cover photo, Missing Jigsaw Piece, Tear Off The Bottom Edge, and Profile Picture Zoom.

Select the effects which suits you well.

How to Use Profile Picture As Emoticons

I'm sure you will be surprised to know this, that you can turn your profile picture or your friends or page profile picture into emoticons. Use them while you are chatting with your friends. Here's how you do it.

Step 1. Visit the page of your friend you want to tag as an emoticon.

Step 2. Then look for their Facebook username or their Profile ID from the address bar link. For example you want to get Zakyri Tricks from "".

Step 3. Type [[zakyri2012]] in your Facebook chat and you will be amazed, brackets are included, the profile picture will show during the chat.

Your friends will never know that you are using their profile pic as emoticons.


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