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April 24, 2014

How to Save Battery Life on Sony Xperia M2


Battery Life depends on how you use your device. For your Sony Xperia M2 device, if you want to save your battery to last longer hours, you may need to adjust your settings. Follow these suggestions:

• Turn on the power-saving option on the device. Then lessen the screen brightness and the screen lock timeout. On the Homescreen, tap on Menu icon. Select Settings > Power management.

- Use the Stamina mode and Low battery mode features.
- To activate the STAMINA mode: While you are in the Power management, tap on Point icon next to STAMINA mode, then tap Activate.

• Turn down your device volume with the volume keys.

• Close any apps or features when you are done using it so they will not continuously running in the background.

• Turn off the network connection if you are out of range so that your device will stop searching for a network signal. To turn off the network go to Settings and turn off the Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.

• You should use the latest version of the software update. Software updates improves some features and fixes some bugs on the previous software version.

• Adjust your brightness level to low.

• Turn off the camera flash.

• If you have any live wallpaper, Disable it.

• Set the synchronization application to manual. You can also choose the automatic, but increase the synchronization intervals.

• If you want to listen to music, use the Sony original hands free device. It demand less battery power than your device's own loudspeakers.


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