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Zakyri »Unlabelled » 100+ Top List of Proxy Sites This 2014
April 26, 2014
100+ Top List of Proxy Sites This 2014
Can't access Facebook on your office or school? Well, that's normal because the IP address is being blocked by your IT administrator. So that you can concentrate more with your work and studies. I know you are bored and really want to visit other websites. There's is only one way so that you can view restricted website even if it is blocked by your IT administrator. By using a proxy you can browse other websites even if it is blocked. When I was in college I used the Kproxy and Ninjacloak. If these two proxies won't work for you, then try the 100+ list of proxies below. There will come a time that your IT will detect the proxy you are using and you might not be able to access it. So the solution is to use other proxy that is not yet block.
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