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August 31, 2012

iPhone 5 Launch Maybe Delayed


Apple’s iPhone 5 is rumored to be launched on September 12. Now that the month of September is about to kick off and we’re drawing near to the big day, news have  appeared that some unnamed sources told Reuters Friday that one of Apple’s iPhone screen maker Sharp has fallen behind in producing the allotted screens.

Sharp is said to be having trouble with high costs which will cut the screen maker’s profit in making the said screen and has been raising questions whether Apple will add couple of incentives to speed up the production just in time for its major launch.

The unnamed source didn’t mention though on how far behind Sharp have fallen. Aside from Sharp, Apple had tapped other suppliers for their screens like Japan Display and South-Korea based company LG Display Co.

Sharp has not revealed though that it’s working on Apple iPhone 5. Leaked photos suggest that iPhone 5 screens will be thinner than its previous versions. Panels will extend 4 inches in its corners approximately 30 % bigger than the iPhone 4S.  It has embedded touch sensors into the liquid crystal display thus removing the usual touch-screen layer found in all current iPhones.

Sources: YahooUK NewsZDNet


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