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August 3, 2012

Google Handwrite for Mobile and Tablet Search


I find it pretty annoying indeed when I need to type on my touch-screen mobile device when searching something online. Searching on a desktop or a laptop is way more convenient than doing it on a touch-screen device. But nevertheless, I thank the invention of letting people access online even while on the go through phone. Well, well, well! Google just nailed another breakthrough making lives more convenient when online. Presenting, the Google Handwrite!

Google strived hard to make user’s experience with Google less of a hassle. They’ve incorporated speaking your queries, getting results before you finish typing and searching by image on their search engine. No wonder Google has become the search engine giant they are now.

As posted on their official blog, Google Handwrite enables you to search by just writing letters with your finger most anywhere on your device’s screen. No need for a keyboard that covers half of the screen. It doesn’t mean though that they’ve dumped the traditional keyboard typing. They have designed Handwrite to complement rather than replace typing. So if you’re on a bumpy ride, on a busy street or with friends, you can just enable Handwrite for a better online searching experience.

Here’s how to enable it:

  • ·         Go to in your mobile browser
  • ·         Tap on “Settings” at the bottom of the screen
  • ·         Go to Handwrite option and enable it. Tap on Save
  • ·         Refresh the page to see the feature.

Search settings for tablets are available as an option behind the gear icon. Once the feature is enabled, just tap the Handwrite icon on the bottom right corner of your screen to activate the writing surface. This Google Handwrite works best on Android devices and in Chrome. Google has also enable the said feature for iOS 5+ devices, Android 2.3+ phones and Android 4.0+ tablets and in 27 languages.

Now it’s more convenient and fun using Google on mobile and tablet devices. Cheers to another Google milestone!


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