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August 1, 2012

iPhone 5 Launches on September 12


So the wait is almost over. The highly anticipated iPhone 5 from Apple is soon to hit the shelves according to rumors which are also supported by iMore, The Verge and AllThingsD. Apple is said to unveil iPhone 5 on September 12 this year.

The so-called designs for the new iPhone 5 leaks throughout the internet and speculations piled up on how it would really look like. Apple fans have claimed that the new member of the iPhone family will feature a 4-inch screen, metal-backed chassis, made of super tough Liquid Metal, smaller 19-pin dock connector and a NFC technology.

iPhone 5 isn’t just a rumor, it really does exist. Others may have just shrugged off news for upcoming iPhone but a recent report of The Telegraph just nailed the rumors that indeed a new phone from Apple will be released sometime this year.

Sir Jonathan Ive, Apple’s design chief, revealed that iPhone 5 was nearly axed before it hit the shelves.  He said, “We nearly shelved the phone because we thought they were fundamental problems that we can’t solve. With the early prototypes, I held the phone to my ear and my ear would dial the number.” Oh, that feature seems to be found in Samsung S3 as well. “You have to detect all sorts of ear shapes and chin shapes, skin color and hairdo..that was just many of the examples where we really thought, perhaps this isn’t going to work,” he added while he speaks at a British Business Conference running alongside the Olympic games.

Apple is known somehow for its pricey device. But Sir Jonathan has a comment on that. “Our goal isn’t to make money. Our goal absolutely at Apple is not to make money. This may sound a little flippant, but it’s the truth. Our goal and what gets us excited is to try to make great products. We trust that if we are successful, people will like them and if we are operationally competent we will make revenue, but we are very clear about our goal.”

With the iPhone 5  rumored released date drawing nearer, Android’s market share dropped from nearly 61 % to just 56% in the United States alone according to a research done by Strategy Analytics.  According to the report, Apple’s US market share has risen from 23% in Q2 2011 to 33% in Q2 2012. If the launch of the iPhone 5 takes place, Apple will surely heap even more pressure on Android in its home market.

Nothing was more talked about than Apple’s iPhone 5. We’ll get to see then this widely publicized phone this September. Along with iPhone 5, rumors suggest that Apple will also unveil a 7-inch iPad mini, a new iPod and a 13-inch Macbook with Retina display.


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