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August 1, 2012

USA Basketball Team Photos: Trending on Social Networking Sites


With the London Olympics going on, countries are battling neck to neck for gold medal. The USA basketball team seemed to find a way on how to enjoy the Olympics and setting aside rivalries inside the NBA basketball court. Well, Kevin Love shared couple of steps on how to capture perfect photograph of NBA players. And what’s next? Boom! He then tagged his teammates with “GotEm” via Instagram and for the rest of the world to see.

According to a NY Times report, Kevin Love had never heard of Instagram until he took the seat of being the team’s unofficial photographer. His teammate Deron Williams was the one who persuaded him to join Instagram- a photo-sharing website. Along with Love is Chris Paul, James, Paul’s brother and Anthony’s bestfriend. When he was approached for an interview about their trending USA Basketball-Instagram photos, Love simply laughed and jokingly added, “I was about to post one right now.”

Well, even if they carry a load of pressure for being compared to the original Dream Team from 1992, at least they’ve managed to act like normal people do. They are hardcourt heroes but they’re also normal people doing normal stuff like self documentation and photo-sharing online (social networking is the trend). I wouldn’t mind seeing photos of famous NBA players drooling, taking a nap or having fun (in a clean way). At least we get to see pictures of them off the court.

Here are just some of the photos officially shared by NBA players online while they’re in London for the 2012 Olympics.

Lebron James (Photo taken by: Carmelo Anthony)

 (Photo taken by: Kevin Love)

 (Photo taken by: Kevin Love)

(Photo taken by: Chris Paul)

(Photo taken by: Chris Paul)

 (Photo taken by: Kevin love)

 (Photo taken by: Chris Paul)


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